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Recording of Body Temperature II Bpharma Experiment 2 HAP 2 Sem 2 AKTU II Sehat Aur Shiksha

Experiment Number – 2

Aim:- Recording of Body Temperature.

Reference:- Atlas of Human Anatomy by Freek H. Netter “ A laboratory Manual Of Human Anatomy and Physiology- 2nd Edition April 2019 published by Nirali Prakashan page number - 10.

Theory:- Body Temperature is the degree of sensible heat or cold which represents the balance between production and loss of heat by the normal body temperature. The physical property of water in blood help to maintain body temperature. Normally, Normal Body temperature in adult humans is 37o C or 98.4o F when measured orally.

This Temperature correspondence to the temperature of the vital organs of the body and is also called surface temperature. The body temperature is commonly recorded on three body locations i.e. Mouth, Rectum, and Armpit. When the person can not hold the thermometer in their mouth, then armpit or rectal temperature can be tested.

An Elevation, in body temperature (99 to 105o F) and (38 to 40o C) is called fever at pyrexia which is usually due to bacterial, viral, or other microbial infection.

Clinical Thermometer laboratory thermometer

Procedure:- Set the lowest reading in the thermometer by holding the end opposite to the mercury bulb firmly and shaking it downwards carefully until it reads 95o F or less.


(A) Recording of Mouth temperature:-

1. Ask the subject to place the thermometer under the tongue and close the mouth instruct the subject to use the lips and not teeth to hold the thermometer tightly in place.

2. During this subject shall be instructed to breadth through the nose.

3.  After 2 minutes carefully take out the thermometer and record the temperature.

4. Take three readings at the interval of 5 minutes and calculate the mean body temperature.

(B) Recording of Arm Pit temperature:-

1. Ask the subject to place the thermometer in the armpit with the arm placed against the body.

2. After 5 minutes take it out and note the temperature.

3. Take three readings at the interval of 5 minutes and calculate the mean body temperature.




2nd  reading

3rd  reading












The mean body temperature was recorded as 96.6o

HAP 2 - Experiment Number 3 - Click Here

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